


读者: 乌拉圭驻华使馆
国家: Uruguay
Message <China Buses Guide> :乌拉圭驻华使馆致电中国客车英文网:感谢赠阅的《China Buses Guide》,指南信息对使馆非常有参考价值。 几年前,乌拉圭使馆组织的来华采购团也是通过客车英文网赠阅的《China Buses Guide》了解中国客车行业,最终确定了商务合作伙伴。 乌拉圭将继续推动中国客车采购意向,希望持续得到客车英文网的信息支持。


读者: the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Qatar
国家: Qatar
Message <China Buses Guide> :我们是卡塔尔交通部。明年我们会进行一项2000台公交车招标项目,我们希望能够获取这本指南,以便对中国客车企业有更好的了解,也希望他们参与到我们的项目里。We are the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Qatar. Next year we will tender for 2000 new buses. If you wish Chinese companies to be considered pleases end me the password at your earliest convenience. Our operator Mowasalat has bought buses before from Higer.
提交时间: 2017-09-18 10:07:09 IP:


读者: Nelson
国家: Belgium
Message <China Buses Guide> :我是比利时上海总领馆代表,现在正在进行一项中国客车行业研究,非常希望获得你们编辑发行的采购指南,非常感谢!I am a representative from the Consulate General of Belgium based in Shanghai and am doing research on the Bus and Coach industry in China. I was wondering whether I could have the password for the China Buses Guide 2018, stored under the link: http://www.chinabuses.org/guide/China_buses_guide_2018.pdf.pdf Thank you very much


读者: 商务参赞
国家: Surinam
Message <China Buses Guide> :2007年,中国客车英文网收到苏里南驻华使馆商务参赞的邀请,特别前往该使馆提供中国客车采购咨询服务。赠送《中国客车海外市场采购指南》,帮助客户更全面了解中国客车产品。 苏里南驻华大使也特别出席会谈,并对指南涵盖的丰富资讯给予高度评价。 从2007年开始,最新出版的《指南》都会如期递送到苏里南使馆。


读者: 吉普交通部
国家: Malaysia
Message <China Buses Guide> :我来自马来西亚古晋。现在我们政府这里有个公交车采购项目,要更新当地公共交通车辆。所以希望看到你们的客车采购指南,找一下合适的中国客车产品。 马来西亚吉普交通部公交车更新,第一时间联系中国客车英文网,寻求行业资讯支持。并告知当地旅游部引进了6台中国的氢能源客车,并表达了对氢能源客车的看法。


读者: Roberto
国家: Peru
Message <China Buses Guide> :金龙客车秘鲁纯电动客车经销商,《中国客车海外市场采购指南》忠实粉丝,认为这本指南很专业。邀请客车英文网一起见证5台金龙纯电动客车即将抵达秘鲁。 May I get the link to download the guide? It's very a professional bus book. I am local dealer of King Long electric buses!The first 5 electric coach buses will arrive in December 2021 or January 2022.If you want we can wait the buses to arrive.


读者: Thomas
国家: Poland
Message <China Buses Guide > : 波兰客车制造商,生产8-12米及18米铰接客车,关注中国电池产品及氢燃料客车产品,希望每年都能收到《中国客车海外市场采购指南》。We are bus manufacturer from Poland. Our scope of products cover 8, 10, 12 and 18m articulated buses. Our main focus is battery and hydrogen types. We are interested to receive the newest China Buses 2021 Guide. Please provide link and password your our reference.


读者: Edward
国家: Tanzania
Message <China Buses Guide> :我是海格客车在坦桑尼亚的服务人员,我和中国同事一起工作。你们的指南很好,很有指导作用。坦桑尼亚市场很大,可以辐射周边非洲国家,对售后和配件也有很大的需求,你们可以好好把握机会。request password to access the guide.I like your guide book, very useful book.I am local service personnel for Higer. I work with my Chinese Colleagues.Don’t you have plans to expand your operations and making them profitable by establishing after sales service stations overseas to cater for the acute need for parts and services? Seize that opportunity for Tanzanian market. Because it will feed not only Tanzania but also Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and Malawi.



