In November 2014, domestic light buses (incomplete ones included) sell 41578 units, up by 11.87% on last month and 26.17% on last year, sharing 74% of the whole bus market.
Sales of Light Buses:
In November, light buses sell 36525 units, up by 12.56% on last month and 27.68% on last year. The top five manufactures are Jinbei, Jiangling, NAVECO, Foton and Changan, with a total sales of 26595 units, sharing 72.81% of the total sales of light buses.

Sales of Light Bus in November 2014 (Unit: unit)

Seen from the above, compared with last month, two of the top five manufactures of light buses make negative growth in November while compared with last year, four manufactures make positive growth and Jiangling and Foton make positive growth both on last month and last year.
Incompete Light Bus Sales:
In November 2014, incomplete light buses sell 5061 units, up by 9.90% on last month and 13.8% on last year. The top five manufactures are Dongfeng, JAC, Forta, Nanchong and Jiangling, with a total sales of 5057 units, sharing 99.92% of the incomplete light bus sales.

Sales of Incomplete Light Bus in November 2014 (Unit: unit)